Salmon Head Recipe



My salmon head recipe uses salmon and onions as the main ingredients. Mainly use Chinese stew. Adding rice wine and other seasonings can remove the fishy smell and taste more delicious.

You can also add tofu, spinach, mushrooms and other vegetables to it, and use other seasonings. Friends who taste a bit spicy can add some peppers, I believe the taste will be very special.

3、Cooking Difficulty

525Fragrant and saltystew


  1. 2 salmon heads
  2. Raw pumping
  3. soy sauce
  4. Oyster sauce
  5. Cooking wine
  6. Fish sauce
  7. Sugar
  8. pepper
  9. 50 g starch
  10. 1 onion
  11. 1 scallion
  12. 2 cilantro
  13. Cooking oil
  14. garlic
  15. A small amount of rice wine (or beer)

5、How To Make

1、Buy two larger salmon heads,You can also use silver carp head or grass carp head to make.

2、Cut the fish head in the middle,Remove gills.

3、Cut the fish head into fish pieces,Wash the fish pieces with water several times,Remove fishy smell.

4、Then start to marinate the fish,Put the fish pieces in the basin,Add some light soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, fish sauce, sugar, pepper.

5、Then add the right amount of starch,Then stir them well by hand,Marinate for 15 minutes.

6、Then prepare Other ingredients,1 onion cut into small pieces.

7、One chive cut into sections.

8、2 cilantro cut into sections.

9、Add the right amount of cooking oil to the casserole,Heat the casserole over fire,Add appropriate amount of garlic and stir fry.

10、Then add onions and stir fry.

11、Then put the marinated salmon head on top of the onion.

12、Pour half of the marinade into the casserole,Cover the pot and cook on low heat for 8 minutes.

13、Use a small spatula to flip the fish from the bottom of the pot every two minutes during the cooking process,Avoid scorching fish head.

14、After 8 minutes, pour the other half of the marinade sauce into the casserole,Continue to cook for 2 minutes on high heat.

15、After 2 minutes add the prepared chives and coriander,Continue to boil for 30 seconds.

16、Add a small amount of rice wine after 30 seconds,Add flavor to salmon.

17、After adding the rice wine, continue to cook for 1 minute and turn off the heat,The salmon head pot is ready,hope you will like it.

6、Important Tips

1、 After dicing the salmon head, wash it with water several times to remove the fishy smell.

2、 When cooking salmon, use a spatula to flip from the bottom of the pot several times to avoid burning the fish head.

3、Finally, add a small amount of rice wine, or add an appropriate amount of beer, which can increase the fragrance and reduce the fishy taste.

4、You can also add other vegetables, such as tofu, spinach, mushrooms, etc., the taste will be more special.

7、Nutrient Content

ContentPer 100 g
Calories138 kcal
carbohydrate0.5 g
Fat7.6 g
protein17 g
Cellulose1.1 g

8、Matching Food

Durian Ice CreamOsmanthus Cake,Chinese Almond Tofu

9、Suitable People

PeopleRecommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar7
High blood pressure7
high blood fat7
lose weight5

Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)

10、Recipe related knowledge

Nutrition of Salmon Head

Salmon is a famous deep-sea fish, which is rich in nutrients. Salmon contains a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial to reduce blood lipids and cholesterol, and are of great help in preventing cardiovascular disease. The fatty acids it contains are essential substances for the brain and nervous system, which are helpful for promoting brain development and improving memory. Eating more for the elderly can prevent Alzheimer’s and protect vision. Moreover, the nutrients of salmon can prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, so many people like to eat salmon very much.

Nowadays, many white-collar workers use their brains too much. They can eat more salmon when they eat, which is helpful for brain health. Moreover, fish oil made from salmon can effectively reduce blood lipids. Many people with high blood lipids can eat more salmon, which can improve their health. The nutrients in salmon can also promote blood circulation, prevent the formation of blood clots, avoid insufficient blood supply to the brain, make the blood circulation system healthier, improve vision, and enhance immune system function.

Can pregnant women eat salmon?

The salmon head recipe I’m sharing is simple and cheap, making it a great, tasty and cost-effective way to cook with it. And it is also rich in protein, which pregnant women need a lot of nutrients. But salmon is a seafood product. There are many germs and parasites in seafood, so it must be fully heated before eating. Many pregnant women choose not to eat because they are afraid of the risk of it. In fact, as long as the practice is correct, you can still eat it, but eat less. Pregnant women can eat more high-protein foods such as beef, milk, and eggs, which are healthier and less risky.

What should I pay attention to when eating salmon?

The salmon head recipe I’m sharing mainly uses salmon head and onions, but you can also add tofu to the recipe for a delicious and nutritious soup. Tofu also contains a lot of protein, and it can absorb a lot of seasonings, which can make tofu taste better. People who like to eat salmon should not let go of the salmon head. I use it to stew with onions. The method is simple, but the nutrition is not reduced but increased.

There is still a lot of fish on the fish head, which many people ignored before. And the price of fish head is very cheap, it is very cost-effective to buy it for cooking. If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, I would not recommend eating more salmon. People with poor gastrointestinal function should not eat more salmon. When we eat salmon, we should not eat persimmons at the same time, which will bring a greater burden to the stomach and may sometimes cause food poisoning.

And when making salmon, pay attention to its fishy smell. I add a lot of onions to the salmon head recipe to remove the fishy smell. You can also add more ginger slices to remove the fish. fishy smell. Occasionally I also add potatoes, carrots, etc. to stew together, which can add more nutrients, make this dish more delicious and nutritious, I hope you will like it.


Salmon Head Recipe
My salmon head recipe uses salmon and onions as the main ingredients. Mainly use Chinese stew. Adding rice wine and other seasonings can remove the fishy smell and taste more delicious.
You can also add tofu, spinach, mushrooms and other vegetables to it, and use other seasonings. Friends who taste a bit spicy can add some peppers, I believe the taste will be very special.
  • 2 salmon heads
  • Raw pumping
  • soy sauce
  • Oyster sauce
  • Cooking wine
  • Fish sauce
  • Sugar
  • pepper
  • 50 g starch
  • 1 onion
  • 1 scallion
  • 2 cilantro
  • Cooking oil
  • garlic
  • A small amount of rice wine (or beer)
  • Buy two larger salmon heads,You can also use silver carp head or grass carp head to make.
  • Cut the fish head in the middle,Remove gills.
  • Cut the fish head into fish pieces,Wash the fish pieces with water several times,Remove fishy smell.
  • Then start to marinate the fish,Put the fish pieces in the basin,Add some light soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, fish sauce, sugar, pepper.
  • Then add the right amount of starch,Then stir them well by hand,Marinate for 15 minutes.
  • Then prepare Other ingredients,1 onion cut into small pieces.
  • One chive cut into sections.
  • 2 cilantro cut into sections.
  • Add the right amount of cooking oil to the casserole,Heat the casserole over fire,Add appropriate amount of garlic and stir fry.
  • Then add onions and stir fry.
  • Then put the marinated salmon head on top of the onion.
  • Pour half of the marinade into the casserole,Cover the pot and cook on low heat for 8 minutes.
  • Use a small spatula to flip the fish from the bottom of the pot every two minutes during the cooking process,Avoid scorching fish head.
  • After 8 minutes, pour the other half of the marinade sauce into the casserole,Continue to cook for 2 minutes on high heat.
  • After 2 minutes add the prepared chives and coriander,Continue to boil for 30 seconds.
  • Add a small amount of rice wine after 30 seconds,Add flavor to salmon.
  • After adding the rice wine, continue to cook for 1 minute and turn off the heat,The salmon head pot is ready,hope you will like it.
1、 After dicing the salmon head, wash it with water several times to remove the fishy smell.
2、 When cooking salmon, use a spatula to flip from the bottom of the pot several times to avoid burning the fish head.
3、Finally, add a small amount of rice wine, or add an appropriate amount of beer, which can increase the fragrance and reduce the fishy taste.
4、You can also add other vegetables, such as tofu, spinach, mushrooms, etc., the taste will be more special.
Cooking Difficulty
525Fragrant and saltystew
Nutrient Content
ContentPer 100 g
Calories138 kcal
carbohydrate0.5 g
Fat7.6 g
protein17 g
Cellulose1.1 g
Matching Food
Durian Ice Cream,Osmanthus Cake,Chinese Almond Tofu
Suitable People
PeopleRecommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar7
High blood pressure7
high blood fat7
lose weight5
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)
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