Old man

How To Wrap Wonton__6 Ways

Wonton is a traditional snack in northern China and is especially popular in southern China. They also have many names: Yuntun, Chaoshou, etc.

There are many kinds of fillings for wontons. In theory, wontons can cover everything. You can make the most unique wontons according to your preferences.

Today, let’s take a look at 6 ways to wrap wontons.

Drunk Crab

Drunken crab is a traditional famous dish in Jiangsu Province, China. It is very popular among the people. Because it uses 450ml rice wine, and some recipes use a lot of white wine, it is called drunk crab.

The drunken crab I made uses rock sugar, various spices, rice wine, osmanthus, etc., and it uses cooked hairy crabs. It tastes a little sweet and has a strong fragrance. I hope you like it.

Geoduck Recipe

Geoduck has rich nutritional value and is very delicious when used as hot pot ingredients. It is very popular in southern China. It can be used for making sashimi, steaming, and poaching.

I cook it in water. This geoduck recipe can be used as a summer cold dish. I often eat it with beer, fried peanuts, and mapo tofu. The geoduck recipe is my specialty. Good food.

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