Old man

Shrimp Roe

The way I make fried shrimp is very simple. The main ingredient is shrimp, and the seasoning is light soy sauce and oyster sauce. You can add ingredients such as tomatoes and peppers, as well as seasonings such as rock sugar, dried peppers, and cooking wine, according to your preferences, to make fried shrimps with a more unique flavor.

Stir-fried shrimp is a dish suitable for all ages. It is simple to prepare and can be prepared in 10 minutes. It is also nutritious and tastes very delicious without difficulty.

Xiaodiao Pear Soup Recipe

In China, when the weather is dry in autumn and winter, many people will make a pot of pear soup. Among them, Beijing’s Xiaohang Pear Soup is the most famous. It is a traditional Chinese dessert and has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and relieving coughs. It is very popular.

Xiao Diao Pear Soup mainly uses ingredients such as Sydney, rock sugar, plum, wolfberry, etc. The pear soup tastes sweet and delicious. Drink a bowl in autumn and winter or when you feel cold, you will be very happy and you will feel warm all over your body. You can also add other fruits to the small hanging pear soup, the taste will be more special.

Fried Flower Crab

In China, autumn is the best time to eat crabs. At this time, the crab meat is plump and its price is cheap.

The stir-fried crabs I made today are very popular among people. They are simple, delicious and convenient to make. The seasonings commonly used in home are used. Among them, shallots and ginger slices are very important. They remove the fishy smell of crabs. Added fragrance. Fried crab is also very nutritious, suitable for all ages, you can try it once if you like it.

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