Old man


The Samgyetang is very delicious. Its main ingredients are chicken ribs and ginseng, longan meat, yuzhu, astragalus, red dates, lily, cordyceps flowers and other Chinese medicinal materials, and then add a small amount of white wine and rice wine. These ingredients make Samgyetang less greasy and more delicious at the same time. And Chinese herbal medicine makes Samgyetang have good health care functions. I also added a small amount of wolfberry, you can also add other healthy ingredients according to your own preferences.

My Samgyetang recipe is very simple, prepare the ingredients, start the soup in 10 minutes, wait 3 hours and the Samgyetang is ready. Samgyetang can be enjoyed for lunch and dinner, it is nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages.

Pregnant women and the elderly need more nutrition, I suggest you make Samgyetang 1-2 times a week, I hope you will like its deliciousness.

Chinese Spinach Recipe__scrambled eggs with spinach

Spinach is rich in a variety of trace elements. It also contains a lot of carotene. The iron content in spinach is very high, which is very beneficial to human health. Spinach is rich in dietary fiber, and children should also eat more.

Eggs are used in my Chinese spinach recipe. Eggs contain a lot of protein and also make scrambled eggs with spinach more delicious. And it is very simple to make, not many ingredients are used, but it gives us very rich nutrition.

Many girls in China like to eat scrambled eggs with spinach. It is also a diet recipe. It is rich in dietary fiber to promote digestion and promote physical development. I hope you also like scrambled eggs with spinach.

Fried Yu Choy Recipe

The ingredients used to make Fried Yu Choy are very simple, but it requires a lot of our skills. During the stir-frying process, we must use high heat to heat it, so that it will look good and delicious. Rape is rich in cellulose and a lot of trace elements, which is very helpful for health.

In China, many girls like to eat stir-fried rape, which is a diet recipe and has beauty effects. The fried Yu Choy I made is very simple. You can add dried chili or chili sauce according to your preference, or you can add mushrooms, beef, pork and other ingredients to make the rape taste richer.

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